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Nevis Forms & Information

Leslie Sagen     (218)652-3500
SLP Coordinator & SpEd Teacher

Megan Henry     (218)652-3500

Kay Netteberg     (218)652-3500

Jordyn Lucas     (218)652-3500

Jennifer Roethke     (218)547-5324

Suki Peterson     (218)652-3500

Hannah Schwartz   (218)652-3500

JoAnn Stute     (218)652-3500

The Nevis Public School District is a small K-12 school that offers students a wide variety of academic opportunities as well as several extra and co-curricular activities to choose from. In the classroom, students receive quality instruction from excellent teachers in areas ranging from the core subjects such as math and English to elective classes.

Nevis Public Schools Special Education provides inclusive and comprehensive educational programs for students of all ages with disabilities. 

Minnesota has thirteen categorical disability areas. A team of qualified professionals, including parent(s), determines whether the student meets criteria in one of the thirteen categorical disability areas and is in need of special education services.

Each student who receives special education services must meet the State of Minnesota mandated eligibility criteria, and then an Individual Education Program (IEP) can be developed which describes the student's present level of performance, special education needs, goals, objectives, and services.

Students can receive services in the following disability categories:  Autism Spectrum Disorders, Deaf-Blind, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Developmental Cognitive Disability, Developmental Delay, Other Health Disabilities, Physically Impaired, Severely Multiply Impaired, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairements, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Visually Impaired.

Nevis Elementary School is staffed with great teachers who demonstrate genuine care and nurturing for all students.  Each student is given the opportunity for a quality education by maintaining and updating technology and creating creative alternatives.